The Siberian Husky is a Spitz breed with origins in Northern Siberia (Russia). The working class Siberian Husky, along with the Samoyed and the Alaskan Malamute are descendants of the original sled dog, the Eskimo dog (Quimmiq). Originally, the Siberian Husky was used to pull heavy sled loads by the Chukchi people of northern Siberia.

During the Nome Gold Rush from 1899 to 1909 in Alaska, the dog breed was imported and bred as working sled dogs, but later became well-liked as a family pet throughout Canada and the United States. The Siberian Husky is well known for being able to sustain their strength on little food while working in harsh conditions, being heralded as one of the most versatile and athletic working breeds.

The Siberian Husky is known for being a loving family dog, but also exhibits the ancestral behavior of its Wolf ancestor. With a very strong maternal instinct, the Siberian Husky will do well with kids when properly socialized, but will be a professional escape artist when fully grown. The Husky will have an urge to wander, but exercising this breed properly will curb its potential wanderlust.

The Siberian Husky is best-suited to live in an environment that gives it space to roam. While letting this breed run free around your property is not really an option, they will be less likely to “run off” if you have a home that gives them space to move around very freely. The Siberian Husky prefers not to be left alone for long periods, as they long for the company of humans or other pack members. If you live in a hot or tropical climate, the Siberian Husky may not be for you, as they love cooler weather.

It is recommended that any new Siberian Husky owner attend obedience training with their dog as it grows. This dog breed will be okay with a novice owner, as long as proper attention is paid building the alpha pack leader role with your dog.

As long as the breeding is good, a Siberian Husky should be a generally healthy dog breed. The thing to watch for most often with this breed’s health is mostly related to genetic eye disorders such as Cataracts, Corneal Dystrophy, and Progressive Retinal Atrophy.

Considering the Siberian Husky is a breed with arctic origins, it has a dense and thick coat. Brush your dog’s coat often to control shedding, and your Husky will love you for it. Make sure you pay proper attention to your dog’s dental health as well, brushing its teeth every day. It is also recommended that you trim your dog’s nails once a month.

Take one part prey drive, sprinkle in some sled dog, and add some wolf genes – that may explain the energy level of the Siberian Husky. They are an excited and jovial breed that will keep you on your toes, and you will tire before they do.

The Siberian Husky will weigh between 35 to 60 pounds and stand from 20 to 25 inches at the withers.

A Siberian Husky generally lives 12-14 years.

Although Siberian Huskies were gaining popularity in the early 1900s due to winning sled races, they absolutely soared after the famous “serum runs” of 1925 to save Nome, Alaska from a diphtheria outbreak. Balto, the lead dog on the final leg of the journey, continues to be the most famous Siberian Husky and also one of the most honored canines throughout history.